Well, It Matches the Wish Checklist...

Well, I learned through an online sales site that an auction is taking place for some land in the country.  In the very area that I have been looking in.  And what is more, the land has an old barn.  It also has an old house.  And it has a massive old machine shed.

Wait a second!

My current "Would Love to Have" list goes something like this...

1.  Country Property
2.  Machine Shed/Workshop
3.  Acreage

Are you kidding me?!  So I just had to take a look.  I knew of the property having driven by it for many years.  I remembered it as an old ugly house set back off the road with a really, really long driveway.  In my younger years, that driveway was surrounded by fenced pasture and cows.  Lately it's just been tall grass.

Well, I figure it will go high in price ($200,000-$325,000) due to the acreage (8.903 acres) alone.  Finding acreage in this popular school district is super rare, and it goes for a premium.  But I still owed myself a look.

So I drove out to the property and helped myself right pass the "No Trespassing" signs.  Hey, if you're property is for sale, you have to expect that right?!  I drove up the long drive and wondered if the house was even lived in.  It was!  ha!

The farmhouse.  It's kind of a messy property.
The farmhouse.
The farmhouse as viewed from the main road.  I love how it's tucked way back off the road.

It's actually a decent-looking farmstead.
It's an online auction, so I will keep an eye on it.  I guess the beauty is you know what the price is as it goes up.  I'm not putting much hope into it, but there is an Open House February 3.  I would LOVE to be off of work from that, but we will see!

But it looks kinda neat from the initial drive-by!  I just wonder how old it is.


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